Thank you to The Atlantan for naming me as one of Atlanta’s Most Influential. It is an honor and an even bigger honor to be included with such a talented and creative group. Follow them, be influenced by Atlanta’s finest and enjoy. You heard it here second . . .
To see and read my interview with The Atlantan, click here.
Below is a list of the others mentioned in the article.
AB+DM Studio, A-List celeb photographers and content geniuses.
Kristen Giotgi , Etsy beginnings turned aesthetic guru.
🤣Heather McMahan, a Hilarious comedian who I can ‘absolutely not’ live without on Instagram. Fellow Rebel HYDR 💙❤️
Justin Williams, HGTV design star — stunning designs and the pup photos are a plus.
Gunner & Lux’s Riley, Fabulous 12-year-old Atlantan Riley, had an exclusive jewelry line at 305 department stores before the age of seven. I want her to style me. Seriously. A must Follow.
tongue-in-chic collection of delicious decor and hostess guru.
Terrell & Jarius, Fabulous fathers and devoted podcasters who advocate for the #LGBTcomminity A great find.
Keisy, Holistic health, and wellness coach and founder of @kurvebykeisy.
Born On Fifth, Queen, and I mean, Queen of aesthetic including fashion, beautiful soirées and fun finds for the littles. And even a prettier aesthetic on the inside.